
Frequently asked questions

Polkadot is like any other cryptocurrency traded on so called exchanges, which determine the price through supply and demand. Polkadot's price is both highly volatile, and somewhat correlated with broader trends in the crypto markets.

We should note also that DOT is a relatively young currency, which points to extra volatility as technical challenges arise and are overcome (or not

There are hundreds of projects using the Polkadot network, whose popularity (or lack thereof) will influence the perceived longevity, and therefore the price of DOT.

Polkadot is traded on so called crypto exchanges. You can sell your tokens on those exchanges.

A crypto exchange (or cryptocurrency exchange) is a marketplace where buyers and sellers trade cryptocurrencies. Just like regular stock exchanges, a cryptocurrency exchange serves as a middleman who sets the market price at which an equal number of buyers and sellers can be found.

Generally speaking, it is wise to invest in Polkadot in price slumps, and to sell after sharp price increases. That said, it's nearly impossible to time the market. Price alerts can help you to not miss out on great opportunities.

There are a several things you should consider before you sell crypto. First, you should pay attention to the trading and payout fees of an exchange. Second, look out for an exchange supports your preferred payout method such as bank transfer or PayPal. Third, make sure that your exchange has good customer service in case something goes wrong. And last but not least, don't forget to assess your tax bill before you sell. Crypto tax tools can help you with that.

Most exchanges will pay out via bank transfer. However, there are some exchanges which support other methods such as PayPal. You can use the filters above to narrow down your options based on payout method.

When you sell Polkadot most exchanges will pay you via bank transfer. However, there are also other options available. Simply use the filters to narrow down your options.

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